Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Youth Group Game Idea: Jedi Master

Both of our middle and high school groups played this game this week and they all LOVED it. Its called Jedi Master. 

Here is what you'll need:

  • One foam pool noodle
  • One blindfold
  • At least 25 close pins
Pick a volunteer to be the Jedi Master. Place them in the center of the circle with the blind fold securely on. Cover their clothing and shoes with close pins. Give the Jedi Master their foam pool noodle/lightsaber and tell them to start swinging. Those standing in the circle, on the word GO, have to attempt to grab as many close pins as they can from the Jedi Master without being struck down with fury. If someone is hit with the pool noodle, they must sit down and that player is out. Whomever collects the most close pins wins the round.

A few extra rules (that we learned via trial by error)
  • If you are hit and have close pins in your hand, you must drop all your close pins and sit down.
  • Don't let the whole group rush the Jedi Master. Allow only a few to attempt to steal close pins at one time. (There will be so much swinging going on not that many will want to go initially, anyway).
  • The Jedi Master MUST keep their feet set. They can pivot but can not meander around the circle. They must stand still and swing all around themselves.
  • To switch to a new Jedi Master, wait 5-10 minutes and let them play. Once someone is hit, you can make them the new Jedi Master. 
  • If anyone is hit ANYWHERE on their person at all, they are OUT. (head shots are fine)

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